A Year In Review

As 2022 approaches, G&G Builders reflects on a year of successful projects and meaningful relationships. We're excited about our company's future and look forward to providing first-class customer service throughout the new year.

2021 Project Highlights

G&G Builders has worked on a wide range of projects this year, and we are honored that so many of them were able to impact the community. One of our most meaningful experiences was the recent X Street Navigation Center. We teamed up with the City of Sacramento to install Sprung Structures that provide 100 beds, life skills classes, recovery assistance, medical care, and financial counseling to those experiencing homelessness. Another highlight was the inclusive new playground at Tawny Park in Pleasanton, California. Our President, Gerard Callahan, grew up going to Tawny Park, so this build was especially close to our hearts. 

Thank You to Our Team

None of our projects would have been possible without our talented team. Throughout 2021, we continued to hone our craft and establish the supportive and collaborative company culture that makes us who we are. We were glad to expand our team as well - our new estimator Rob Hoff has been a great addition, and it is exciting to see the company continue to grow each year. G&G Builders would not be complete without each employee, and we are thankful for their hard work - day in, day out.

"I'm excited for 2022! We'll keep doing what we do best: providing premium work, serving our customers, building relationships, and having fun while doing it."
- Gerard Callahan, G&G Builders President

On the Horizon

We are grateful to everyone we worked with, the help we were able to provide to our community, and all the projects we were a part of. Our entire team would like to wish you a restful and safe holiday season, and look forward to working with you all in the new year.

Happy Holidays!


Our Favorite Park Trends for 2022


Three Reasons Why We Are Grateful To Work In The Bay Area